Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Week 16: Now you see me.....

Another good week, feeling almost normal most days! I kind of get worried but then I'm like the alternative would not be fun...so I'm just trying to enjoy it. I finished out my first full week at the new job and I love it! I told them I was pregnant and they were very happy for me- you all know I was pretty nervous about that- so that was a big relief! Especially since my bump has come out to play...wasn't sure how long I could keep that under wraps. 

I have been feeling good, so I have been maintaining my 3 day a week workout schedule, in case you were wondering. My weight has been pretty steady this week too and I haven't gained the pound that I read a would (I think they said a pound a week). I'm really trying to keep a balance on that because I want  to avoid  stretch marks and while I have been slathering myself in Burt's Bees Mama Belly Oil since the day I found out I was pregnant, I know that gradual weight gain is really the answer. 


Holy boobies...they ARE growing... and getting veiny...eww.. I read that veins do become more prominent during pregnancy, but I wasn't expecting them there. It's okay, nothing can ruin my joy at the moment because it looks like I have a new set of implants lol. I know they will likely head south later on, but let me have my shine! 

This week has been all about sleep- I have been going to bed earlier and still having a lot of trouble getting up in the morning. I like can't get enough of it! I also have been having some outrageous dreams..that's been ongoing since I got pregnant...but these have been of the naughtier variety lol. Maybe that's why I want to sleep so much! Has anyone else noticed that while pregnant?!? I don't want to be alone here. 


Ok, ok....the cheeseburger won! But I blame my husband. This past Saturday he took me to Dairy Queen for ice cream (which was amazing) and encouraged me to eat the burger...so I did and it was pretty good. To be honest though, I probably won't need another one because it was good but I not mind blowing. Glad that's out of my system. I also had pizza...I know...I'm bad! I ate a salad with it though :) I have been getting in more veggies and meat this week, so I figured I could splurge. Moderation is the word. 

Oh and guess what!?! Best news ever- I found my caramel apple that I have been craving forever and it came in a 3-pack! I about freaked out in Walmart when I saw them..that was the last place I would have expected to find them. Anyways, I had one for lunch yesterday and it was everything I had imagined lol! 


Baby bump is here, all day errr day! It's  cute.. now that it look more like a bump and not a beer belly, I can dig it.  And I am having a great time trying to dress it up. I refuse to compromise my style during this time..not this early on anyway. 

I have a new-found obsession with fashion at the moment (well, let's be honest it's not really new) BUT I have been obsessing over it lately. So, I will be posting more fashion pics for sure on my main blog. I just feel like it takes so much more thought to dress well when pregnant, but I am finding it fun- is that weird!? 

I filmed a maternity haul , which will be up by the end of the week! 


Bonus! A couple of my bump baring outfits from this past week



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