Sunday, October 6, 2013

Week 9: Baby on Board!

Exciting week for us because we got to get a first glimpse at baby and to see the heartbeat. I guess it is too early to hear it, but we saw it and it was beating very fast! Which is a great sign. With my symptoms being so spotty, I must admit at times I was a bit worried or maybe that's not the best word- but I at times  I would question "Am I really pregnant?" So seeing the image was definitely reassuring. Having mild symptoms can be a blessing and a curse. It has caused me to become a googling freak (more so than my usual) and that's really not something I recommend, while helpful at times you can get some scary info that will really have you worrying for no reason. 


Well this week I was feeling pretty good, almost like myself. Wonder if it was the prenatal vitamin time switch...OR maybe I am just getting used to feeling not like myself. Anyways, I was able to go to the gym more this week without having the constant on and off bouts of nausea and being totally exhausted. I hope this lasts... I did a Stone Mountain climb and some light cardio at the gym one day... It's a start! Especially after coming off of a 2 week break. 

My boobs stopped growing...BOOOO! That was my one fun symptom. They are a little senstive but not painful. 


All I want to eat is chips! I have never been big on chips so that is different for me. Not that I don't like them- I just could be without them. And I NEVER buy them for the house- but I have been really into munching on those. I've still been selective about food, only eating what I have a taste for at the moment because everything else I look at gives me instant nausea when I even think about eating it. Unfortunately  it's been mostly carbs! Soups and carbs...I need some salad in my life. 


Ummm, nothing to see here. I notice a little bloating but I don't think anyone else would see that. Not even my husband has noticed. Guess that's typical, being it's my first pregnancy. Still took a pic though...going to savor these flat tummy pics one day in the near future. 


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